Source Themes

Genomic Signatures of Domestication in a Fungus Obligately Farmed by Leafcutter Ants
The sensory shark: high-quality phenotypic, genomic and transcriptomic data for the small spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula reveal the molecular bases of sensory organ evolution in jawed vertebrates
Calling structural variants with confidence from short-read data in wild bird populations
Transposon accumulation at xenobiotic gene family loci in aphids
The genome and sex-dependent responses to temperature in the common yellow butterfly, Eurema hecabe
A New Chromosome-Assigned Mongolian Gerbil Genome Allows Characterization of Complete Centromeres and a Fully Heterochromatic Chromosome
Genome-wide transcriptomic changes reveal the genetic pathways involved in insect migration
The genome sequence of the scarce swallowtail, Iphiclides podalirius